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Projects implemented with the support of the European Union

Projects implemented with the support of the European Union

BITSTREAM Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project co-financed from European Funds "Export development at BitStream Sp. z o.o. through the implementation of a new business model".

Project goal: The aim of the project is to prepare for the implementation of an internationalisation business model that will ensure an increase in the Applicant’s economic activity on international markets. As part of the new business model, the company plans to expand into foreign markets with the offer of its own products. The implementation of the business model will be carried out through advisory support including a diagnosis of the company’s potential for internationalisation, preparation of the company and its offer in terms of export and active search for business partners in order to introduce products on selected foreign markets.

Planned effects: The implementation of the project will allow to: – an increase in the level of sales, – an increase in the competitiveness of the company, – diversification of revenues, – making the commercial offer more attractive, – development of the competence of the company’s staff The new source of income in the company coming from export sales will be able to be successfully allocated to further development of the company.

Total value of the project: 859 032,00 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: 593 640,00 PLN

Co-financing agreement number: POPW.01.02.00-06-0030/22-00

Implementation of innovative technologies for the security and reliability of data transmission in energy and telecommunications under Measure 3.7 Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs.

Project goal:  The main goal of the project is to implement the results of R&D works, which will enable increasing the competitiveness of BITSTREAM sp. Z oo on the domestic market, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the company thanks to the introduction of innovative products, i.e. redundant communication device and modular multi-port industrial Ethernet switch and multi-port industrial switch Ethernet.

Planned effects:  As a result of the planned BITSTREAM investment, the limited liability company will gain a dominant competitive position on the domestic market thanks to the launch of a new and two improved products. In addition, the company will achieve the goal of entering foreign markets, which will enable the further development of the company. Thanks to the investment support, competitiveness will increase, productivity, labor efficiency and the scale of conducting business activities will increase, mainly due to the introduction of innovative solutions. The growth of innovation will be ensured, inter alia, by through investment support for the implementation of unique technological solutions on an industrial scale.

Project value:  PLN 3 169 194.06

Contribution of European Funds:  PLN 1,803,372.57

Internationalization of the activities of BITSTREAM Sp. Z OO-South America

Project goal:  The aim of the project is to increase the economic activity of BITSTREAM Sp. z o. o. – SMEs from the Eastern Poland macroregion on international markets, through advisory support including comprehensive activities supporting the entrepreneur in the diagnosis of his potential in the field of internationalization, preparation of the enterprise and its offer in terms of export and active search for business partners in order to introduce products to selected foreign markets of Chile and Paraguay.

Planned effects:  Increasing the economic activity of BITSTREAM Sp. z o. o. – SMEs from the Eastern Poland macroregion on international markets, through advisory support including comprehensive activities supporting the entrepreneur in the diagnosis of his potential in the field of internationalization, preparation of the enterprise and its offer in terms of export and active search for business partners in order to introduce products to selected foreign markets.

Project value:  PLN 531,530.90

Contribution of European Funds:  PLN 437,010.06

Co-financing agreement number:  POPW.01.02.00-06-0022 / 19

Development of a multi-port, multi-stream tester, quality of service and synchronization monitor for data transmission in a new generation 5G network

Project goal:  As a result of the project, a device for testing and monitoring transmission parameters and network synchronization, in particular the new generation 5G networks, will be designed. Built-in functionalities and protocols will allow for full testing of the quality of synchronization as well as the quality of data transmission for pre-tests, acceptance tests, and continuous monitoring of quality indicators for maintenance and error diagnostics.

Planned effects:  As a result of the project, a device for testing and monitoring transmission parameters and network synchronization, in particular the new generation 5G networks, will be designed. Built-in functionalities and protocols will allow for full testing of the quality of synchronization as well as the quality of data transmission for pre-tests, acceptance tests, and continuous monitoring of quality indicators for maintenance and error diagnostics. The entire Project will consist of two tasks:

  1. Conducting industrial research, creating prototype elements
  2. Conducting experimental development works, prototype tests, first launch. The main technical parameters of the new device are mainly:
    • Multiple instances of the PTPv2 synchronization monitor / tester.
    • Supported PTP work configurations: Master, Boundry Clock, Transparent Clock, Slave in
      E2E and P2P configurations
    • Possibility to configure two independent PTP Master Clock instances.
    • Up to 8 Ordinary Slave 6 instances can be configured.
    • Working in industrial conditions -30ºC to 60ºC.

Project value:  PLN 2 080 431.66

Contribution of European Funds:  PLN 1,486,091.70

Economic Marketing of the Lubelskie Voivodeship II

Project goal:  The company BitStream Sp. z o. o. will participate in the Economic Mission for Tel Aviv (Israel), January 28-31, 2020 thanks to participation in the project “Economic Marketing of the Lubelskie Voivodeship II” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Voivodeship 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3, Competitiveness of Enterprises, Measure 3.6 Economic Marketing.

Project: ‘Preparation of a business model for the circular economy transformation at BITSTREAM SA’

Project goal: The aim of the project is to create a personalised Circular Economy business model, taking into account the objectives, resources, regulations and realities of the company. This is a key step in the transition to a Circular Economy, which helps achieve sustainable development and operational efficiency.

Planned effects:  As part of the project, an advisory service will be purchased, including a detailed audit and the development of a business model for the transformation to a circular economy. The aim of these activities is to determine the directions of BITSTREAM S.A.'s transformation in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and the possibilities of cooperation with other companies operating in the field of the circular economy in areas that support the principles of the circular economy:Multiple instances of the PTPv2 synchronization monitor / tester.

  • Reduction of waste production.
  • Reduction of primary energy consumption (electricity).
  • Increase in the share of renewable energy sources (RES).
  • Reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduction of dust and gas emissions.
  • Increase in product durability through repair or reuse.
  • Introduction of new environmentally friendly materials and solutions BITSTREAM SA intends to introduce new materials and technological solutions that will reduce the consumption of raw materials and CO2 emissions among end users.

Project value: 92 218,00 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: 92 218,00 PLN